You’ll meet these two characters as they tell their story of how the world ended in Dear Apocalypse through poetry. But you will see how they themselves end during Morose Mundane Meanderings.
They claim to be time travelers… we honestly don’t know if that’s true. But we’ll let them describe this work in their own words.
“Mundane Morose Meanderings
A Show that is Not About Time Travel, or Poetry
Seriously, nothing interesting happens in the show at all. There are definitely not two cyborgs from the future who have stolen the bodies of the poets originally scheduled to perform. The cyborgs who won’t be in attendance, will also not be reading poetry.
However, we guarantee that the stories told will provide unhappiness and general sense of ennui. If you’re hoping for a satisfying ending, don’t come to this show!
Critics say, “if you’re entertained, we’ll find that quite amusing!”
Featuring: Two moderately-skilled wordy people who are currently without publishing deals (and who will truly avoid speaking specifically about anything).”
*Audience participation and attendance are both un-recommended by 4 out of 5 dental hygienists.
** We definitely cannot responsibly advise that you should be intoxicated for the duration of the performance, should you ignore all reason and choose to attend this show.
***This blurb contains several lies and one or two truths.
**** Side-effects may or may not include being somewhat pre-occupied with society’s ills for at least 27 minutes, developing the overwhelming urge to demand a refund for the price of your admission, and hives.